Thursday, March 23, 2017

Summary and Analysis Thoughts So Far

  This week for college writing, I began a new summary for a new article for the third time now. It's been fun these past few weeks...
  As I begin again, I already feel behind compared to what I could have been at if I found the right article the first time. It really sucks in all honesty, I'm used to being ahead or right on time so this is something I'm definitely trying to get used to and work little by little each day on it so I don't explode. 

  Anyways, I finally found an "article" (it's a speech but I found that transcripts and have only read them, I never watched the speech) and Sherry Turkle uses rhetoric for her argument. An argument. I had no idea that we had to find something with rhetoric and argumentative language, but that's okay, I finally found something that works.

  So I started the summary again, but this time I'm trying to incorporate quotes I feel can be heavily analyzed right away instead of simply completing all of the summary, then going back and trying to figure out where I want to put my quote sandwiches. It's still tricky though. I don't know what it is about summarizing for a short while then analyzing something in the same paragraph then going back to summarizing, but it is for me. It sounds so easy to do, right? I'm having such a tough time on it though. 

  Maybe the difficulty lies in the actual analyzation, finding the right words to explain how Turkle was effective or ineffective in proving her point for the argument. Maybe it's difficult finding the right quotes for my ideas, because Turkle does do an AMAZING job with relating to the audience, catching their attention, and bringing home her argument to the point where one will say she's so right. That was my perspective while reading her speech at least. The way she humbles herself instead of insisting she's this all mighty, intellectual psychologist above everyone else because she's not like them, really makes her more attractive (not appearance wise, but intellectually) and likable. I think that is a huge factor in trying to persuade your audience something they do daily is a bad in many ways. Or maybe the difficulty lies in blending everything together, not saying too much or too little, but just right. 

  I'm going to continue drafting, hope what I'm doing is what my teacher wants, and get more help once I have a solid paper to go off of. Until then, I'll keep pulling my hair out and try to make sense of everything I want to say.

  In case you wanted to watch the actual TED talk speech, here ya go!